Thursday 13 December 2018

Saggy Breast;The Misconceptions.

Scrolling through Whatsapp status, I witnessed a new campaign on a friend's status. She is an advocate of saggy breast.  Saggy breast simply refers to fallen breast. Don't be ashamed if you have a saggy breast.

The human body undergoes changes, therefore, we need to understand and discard these misconceptions about saggy boobs that makes others have low self-esteem.

Read this conversation I had with one of your ancestors on the issue of fallen breast. So this is how it started .....


Abugre(Scrolling through her status, I ask a question): Tell me more about the saggy boobs.

Pardikie: Its a movement by the author of what a time to be alone -Chidera Eggerue
On instagram as theslumflower. I like how bold she is in going against the status quo and representing women who have saggy boobs.

She wants to normalize it,and I want to as well. I used to have a low self-esteem because after losing so much weight my boobs became saggy.

And it seems so petty an issue but it drained my self-esteem. Because even family members made it seem like u are not normal. Till I worked on my self and became this confidentπŸ˜‰.

Abugre (shy and anxious): Did you have a standing breast ?

Pardikie (laughed): Lol ...Oh yes when I was very young, but then I started gaining weight and being on and off, gaining and losing weight and it made my skin loose and saggy, especially the breasts area.

Abugre: Why do you refer to your breast as saggy?

Pardikie: No, its a dictionary word.
There's perky for standing breasts
And saggy for fallen breasts.

I actually got to know about this movement from the slumflower on Instagram.... and I'm planning on creating some awareness in my own small circles.

Abugre: Interesting.

Pardikie: So I'm preparing an article on that.

Abugre: Boobs are part of a woman and they play a critical role in her life.

Pardikie: Definitely

Abugre: Which group of people made you feel bad about your boobs? Men or Women?

Pardikie: Well in S.H.S I couldn't bath with the girls in the open bath house because they will pass silly comments and it was annoying because I saw their imperfections as well but I didn't think it was abnormal.

Abugre : So what has been the misconception about saggy breast ?

Pardikie: Oh most people say that for a young girl to have saggy boobs then she must have been promiscuous.

Abugre: So sad.

Pardikie: Lol.

Abugre: Did you try to do anything to get a perky breast?

Pardikie: Lol not to alter it with surgery or anything besides I can't afford surgery.
However, I tried natural remedies like carrot, cucumber and Shea butter which helps the skin but it doesn't guarantee it becoming perky.

Abugre: Will you have opted for surgery if you had the money ? What happens to the skin?

Pardikie: Never honestly, before, I would give that a second thought if I had the money but for now... I've grown so much in my thinking that I know surgery doesn't solve low self-esteem issues because it is deep rooted in our minds and perception. After the surgery then what? Will you alter ur butt as well ? Then what ? Your nose ?

Oh no, I want to be the lady who was confident and different.

I owe me now to God, my mum and the slumflower for letting me know that I can be everything I want to be, no matter what the world says. That's how people make history.

Abugre: I'm grateful for sharing your story with me.

Pardikie: Lol sure❤ grateful for listening to me as well.

Abugre: Do you have friends who have saggy breast?

Pardikie: No I don't.

Abugre: Alright.


What are your thoughts about saggy breast?

Click on the link below to learn more about saggy breast.

Friday 19 October 2018

Social Media Grave

Oya, make you pose well for a picture. The capturing sounds of the camera are transformed to the notification of "likes" as they are posted on social media platforms. We continuously bury information on various websites and social media sites with little or no concern about how it is used.

These information can either serve as good digital footprint or bad digital footprint. This gives an interpretation of our personality in the real world.

Is social media a grave where we bury information with the mindset of it being forgotten or a springboard which serves as a source of reference to lead us to higher heights?

Young people need to understand that some companies review an interviewee's social media account and the content that he or she had posted, as part of the interview process.

Posterity, some people claim that whatever they post on Facebook is just for comic relief hence their posts shouldn't be personalized. Do you agree with them?

New websites and social media platforms are being developed and one striking feature is the need to provide personal information of the user. Have you ever thought about who gets access to these information?

Dear reader, have you ever read Facebook's privacy policies or the Terms and Conditions ?
I can bet my last coin that the answer will be NO. 

Whenever I ask someone,
"Why don't you read the privacy policies or Terms and Conditions of a social media application ?" 

The regular reponse is,
"Charley, that thing is too long and after reading, you don't even understand what they've written mpo. So you just agree with them."

This might be interpreted as one being unconcerned about who gets access to their personal information. Recently, Facebook added a feature where you could add your BLOOD TYPE so as to help others in cases of emergency and this innovation pricked my conscience. Immediately, I thought about how some individuals have been victims to human body trafficking due to the exposure of their health records. I felt insecured with this innovation and didn't comply.
Posterity, whenever we delete a post from our social media handles does it disappear forever?

Each post made on social media is stored for future references. Well, privacy policies state that the posts which are deleted are truly deleted. Just remember social media serves as digital footprint.

Using emojis could be a subtle cause of depression among social media users. Emoji has been tool that summarises our emotions and gestures. Social Media users must be aware about the misinformation that may arise in the usage of emoji.

Let's pause here but answer this question,
Have you ever used an emoji which does not reflect your real emotion or gesture?

Have you heard of SPANISH FLY ? It is a sex enhancement drug. The video below shows how some men use it on women without their consent hence they (women) become rape victims.

Watch and don't forget to subscribe for more educative pieces on the channel.

Wednesday 5 September 2018

Money and Religion.

Spiritualist  Korliba:      I know why you dey here. Make you settle de gods so sey I go fi talk dem.                                                            Tell 'em gods ya problem (pointing to an artifact). 

Abugre:                          Alright. I wan make plenty money ooo. The power to increase money.

Spiritualist Korliba:       Make you settle 10,000 cedis p3. (Incantations). From today, make you no fart or else the thing go spoil. If you do everything I talk you ah, you go get  am quick quick.

             .....story continues.

Let us just call them "traditional spiritualist" and pastors as "christian spiritualist".

Religion is a universal practice and part of the economy's superstructure. Therefore, it is important to examine the impact on a country's development. Journalism is a social science which concentrates on the social world. Posterity, why should you care about these spiritualists?

Their activities affects the social world hence it needs to be addressed. Let us look at the money economy.

Ghana's money is produced by two entities, thus, Central Bank and Spiritual Money Makers.
The latter has been overlooked due to its religious background.

Posterity, so de money wey dey "traditional spiritualists" dey produce nu, where e dey pass?

Traditional and social media have been channels used to advertise the magical prowess of traditional spiritualist and christian spiritualist. For some traditional spiritualists, conditions for the rituals are scary and frustrating. Posterity, imagine a traditional spiritualist requesting for the urine of a snake. 

Let's not point accusing fingers at traditional spiritualists.

Some christian spiritualists have carried out controversial activities ( some are ridiculous and inhuman) in the name of God. Some include;

1. They demand money for consultation, prophecies, healing, Holy Ghost baptism, and Water baptism, anointing oil, etc.

2. Brainwashing their members through religious sermons.

The common phrase used which receives a high shout of "AMEN" is either "I prophecy dollars into your life or I prophecy millions of cedis"- just to make it equivalent to the dollar. These christian spiritualists think that they are better than the traditional spiritualists.

Such a misguided judgement ! They all achieve the same goal, thus, monetize their magical prowess whilst robbing the public.

One of the fundamental measures proposed was the taxing of these spiritual money makers.
This led to a public outcry. They claimed that Ghana will incur the wrath of God if traditional spiritualists and christian spiritualists are taxed. This sentiment is hypocritical, such a paradox.

Well, who cares about the wrath of God when some of these individuals are milking and robbing the public. Posterity, don't you think God will appreciate our effort for this idea?

Many a time, excerpts of the Holy Books command people to love each other and admonishing against fraudulent acts.

African Traditional religion has been publicly criticized and downtrodden by christian spiritualists. Currently, some christian activities raises concerns about human rights abuses and fraud.

Members of these christian spiritualists lose their dignity in their bid to give testimonies. Let us argue out. Families make up a nation but they have been destroyed by the prophecies of these christian spiritualists who speak with a lose tongue. Members blame each other for their failures and unsuccessful expeditions.

Hey you ! When your pastor accuses your family member as a contributing factor to your failure, what will be your reactions?

Despite the fraudulent acts by some of these spiritualists, there are still genuine spiritualists out there in the world.

I will place my pen down and help grandmother prepare some dawadawa for the next market day.

Watch this video and let us keep the conversation on.

Second Video

 Image: Google.

Thursday 9 August 2018

Climate Change and the Adamant Ghanaian.

The human race is unconsciously planning to wipe out every living creature on earth. This doomsday strategy is not facilitated with the help of aliens as are being shown in Science-Fiction movies. This plan will be successfully executed when there is a continual use of fossil fuel, existence of coal plants, high import duties on solar panel batteries, deforestation at every level(caused in the cocoa supply chain, illegal chainsaw operators, galamsey) , among others. 

There has been an unending conflict between various stakeholders, thus NGOs and the government, over the conservation of the environment. The reality of climate change cannot be altered, hence world leaders must support the mitigation of climate change.

The human population increases significantly each year, however the environment has served a home to every living organism, from Paranthropus boisei (first man) to Homo sapiens (today’s man). Climate change is an anthropogenic emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. This causes global warming, high rise in sea levels, acidic ocean, extinction of some living organisms, among others.

Posterity, if Ghanaians aren't ready to protect the environment, then they should not give birth. A destroyed environment wouldn't support life.

Climate change is a global issue hence the United Nations placed it as the 13th Sustainable Goal Development in 2015 as “COMBAT CLIMATE CHANGE”. Each country is obliged to work towards the achievement of low carbon emissions. Organizations such as, Friends of the Earth, and others have committed to the reduction of carbon emission through dialoguing, campaigns, protest and community engagement at various levels. The Pope of the Catholic Church proclaimed that the fuel companies should keep the oil in the ground to save the planet.

Ghana has committed herself to international conventions, and/or treaties notably Paris Climate Change, Kyoto Protocol, Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMA’s) among others. However, Ghana is moving at a slower pace in combating climate change. This reflects in high tariffs on solar panel batteries, deforestation caused in the cocoa supply chain, plans on drilling oil in Keta, pending actions on Atiwa forest, etc. Notably, Africa as a continent contributes 5% of global carbon emissions.

The Renewable Energy (ACT 832) of Ghana aims to provide for the development, management, utilization, sustainability and adequate supply of renewable energy for generation of heat and power and for related matters. Also, it paves way for private business in setting up renewable energy businesses. The government of Ghana aims to have a power mix of 10% renewable energy by 2030. 

Each year new renewable energy products are manufactured, however, the consumer must be protected from exploitation. Some section of the public have complained about fake solar products in the market, hence the government and various stakeholders must rise against fake renewable products in the market.

In 2016, the government’s indication in its manifesto to establish a 700MW coal plant was questioned by the National Coordinator of 350- Ghana Reducing Our Carbon, Ezekiel Chibeze. According to the group, the plan to build a coal plant by the Shenzhen Company to supplement the power supply posed a serious environmental risk to the country.  In addition, the group found flaws in the impact assessment provided by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

In 2018, the government aims at converting the Atiwa Forest into a bauxite mining site. A group named Concern Citizens of Atewa Lanscape  and Save Atewa Forest have the led the fight against the mining of bauxite in the Atewa Forest.

Posterity, the government says there will be responsible mining. Let us be realistic and ask the government about the current situation of the mining companies. The fight for "Bauxite Money" is still on.

Do the current companies practice "responsible mining"?

Despite these developments, the fight for clean energy is still pursued. The environment is intrinsically tied to the human race, therefore a reduction in carbon emissions by Ghana is significant in achieving a continental and global goal.

The fight against climate change cannot be achieved without the conscious effort of citizens in the country. Don’t just wait and anticipate the outcome of climate change. Participate and join the advocacy for a clean and conducive environment for everyone.

Monday 30 July 2018

The Cervix of 21st Century Woman

Social Studies Madam: (smiles) Today's topic is about reproductive health but we will only tackle the female reproductive system.

Students:(shouting, excited and hitting the desk as a sign of happiness) Madam, just continue. We are more than readyyyyy!!

Students get excited about this topic "Human Reproductive System" but nobody knows what makes the other student excited. In my previous piece, I discussed about the breast. Let us have some discussions on cervix. Cervix is the lower end of the uterus (womb). The cervix connects  the upper part of the womb with the vagina. It is the point of impact of all thrusting that takes places during intercourse and suffers bruising constantly.

Always remember that early treatment saves life. Below are some possible outcomes when cervical cancer is not treated early:
1. A woman can become barren if she does not treat it early. Huh ! That is scary.

2. Cervical cancer can mean an end to sex. Aww ! Sex is a need for married couples and a want to unmarried people. Kindly read on, there's no need to argue.

3. Cervical cancer is most likely to spread to other parts of the body when it is not treated early.

Female Reproductive System
Credit: National Cancer Institute.
Cancer is a group of disease in which abnormal cells in the body divide and grow out of control. Cancer cannot be traced to a particular cause however some factors are known to cause cancer.

1. Abnormal Vaginal bleeding                       3. Discomfort during urination.
2. Vaginal discomfort                                     4. Foul-smell from the reproductive organ(female)

                                          5. Malodorous discharge.

Risk factors for Cervical Cancer
1. Vaginal infection with high-risk HPV types

2. Smoking.

3. Having HIV or another condition that makes it hard for your body to fight off health problems.

4. Using birth control pills for a long time( more than 5 years)

5. Having given birth to 3 or more children.

Posterity, this means an early detection can save a life. The speaker at the conference, Dr. Francis D. Dickson,, CEO of Nova Surgery Centre, explained that it is difficult to know the exact cause of cancer, however certain changes in cells lead to cancer. He outlined them as;
1. Acquired changes in cells, causing cancer (like HPV), are due to environmental factors and things people do (like smoking). In dietary factors, "Tobacco use accounts for 6% cancer deaths in Africa"- Cancer in Sub-Saharan Africa: Current Practice and Future. Page 12.

2. Cell changes may also be inherited or passed from parent to child through genes.
Daniel and Katherine

Meet Katherine Berkoh, an endometriosis patient who shared her story at the conference. She is currently running Endometriosis Charity Organization Ghana. For more education on endometriosis contact her on +233-302-311-442,+233-249-750-561,+233-507-368-356.
There's more to know as a woman.

Dr. Francis explained that HPV is the necessary cause for cervical cancer is endemic in Africa. Among the factors which will increase both acquisition and spread of HPV are; early marriage, polygamous marriage, high parity, level of awareness and poverty.

1. Vaccination against HPV                  3. Condom use

2. Abstinence - monogamy                  4. Screening and treating other STDs

                                     5. Screening and treating Dysplasia.

NB: It is only gynecologic cancer that can be prevented with screening.

Cervical cancer is only curable when it is detected early before stage 2. 

Stay strong and healthy.

Tuesday 17 July 2018

The Breast of The 21st Century Woman.

Sucking breast is a nice feeling which cannot be underestimated. For example, a baby's composure in folding, holding and sucking the breast confirms it. 

Lets hail the breast, for it has been a life saver to you after birth.At various stages in life, the breast plays significant roles. Well, what the older folks do, is not my business however they need to be educated. Stop staring at me with those eyes. Sex life is a private affair. Agreed?

As ladies grow, their breast become useful to their children and the "other party". Ironically, men deliberately renamed their breast as "chest". Men and women can be affected by breast cancer, however studies reveal that women are at a higher risk of being breast cancer victims.

Structure of the breast.

Posterity, ladies become excited on the first day they wear their brazzier. The feeling is ............. I am not fabricating, just ask them. Well, some became confused about the type and size of brazzier that they should buy. 

Come closer and whisper into my ear if you remember your first brazzier's colour and size. Also, every lady has a "unique" brazier she likes to wear for a good day. Today, I seem to be a breast expert, Posterity.

Breast cancer begins in the breast tissue that is made up of glands for milk production, called lobules, and the ducts that connect the lobule to the nipple. In developing countries, breast cancer have been reported to be treated at the last stage due to negligence and illiteracy of breast  cancer. Until you learn more about your breast, you will lose it with no compensation.

Posterity, let me share some insights from a women's conference I participated which was organized by Benekie Foundation.

The image below shows the types of breast cancer.

Symptoms of breast cancer include;

1. A painless lump in the breast or armpit area.

2. Bloody discharge from the nipple

3. Changed in the shape or texture of the nipple or breast.

4. Changes in the breast size or shape.

5. Itchy breast.

6. Pain around upper back, shoulder and neck area.

NB: It is not every lump in the breast that indicates a sign of breast cancer. However, you need to visit  the hospital for mammography. Mammography is the screening and detection of breast cancer when patients show its symptoms.

Cancer cannot be traced to a single factor hence there is a need to take preventive steps to save lives. Among the causes of breast cancer are;

1. Previous radiation theraphy

2. Vigorous sucking of the breast by adults.

3. Untreated boils (abscess) or cracked nipples.

4. Enlargement of breast surgery.

5. Squeezing the breast very hard causing pain.

6. Other genetic factors- smoking. alcoholism.

7. The type of brazziers

"Click here" to view a power point presentation on breast cancer.

Photo Credit: Google and Benekie Foundation.

Monday 16 July 2018

“Subsequent Drugs You Buy Is Self Medication” – Opoku Peprah Bernard

Source: Zanetor Apetorgbor/L 300JN

Biomedical Scientist of Teshie Community Clinic, Mr. Opoku Peprah Bernard has disclosed that most victims of illness practice self medication before seeking professional medical attention.

In an interview with Mr. Opoku, he asserted that there is a high dependency rate of self medication in the country which is solely life-threatening.

He made it known that most people take multiple over-the-counter drugs to mask their symptoms. “We all practice self medication…, when the doctor prescribes a medicine for you and it works when you see similar symptoms in the future the subsequent drugs you buy is self medication”.

According to him, most people adopt self administered treatment due to “proximity, poverty, lack of education, accessibility and exposure” which tends to worsen their health condition before getting a professional medical assistant.

He further stated some related health implications;
“One most important health implication of self medication is resistance of the dug, self administered treatment might not be of no result so as the condition will be persistent. Complication means something complex. With complication of the condition when you take the wrong dosage, the medication worsen and multiplies. Self medication causes a problem when there’s no problem. The medicine goes to invite different problems, he stated.

He advises all to try hard to abstain from practicing self medication.

Thursday 12 July 2018

Patients and Their Responsibilities.

Rights! Yes, people fight tirelessly for their rights however the responsibilities attached to the rights are not spoken loudly. Kindly read with rapt attention because you cannot expect things you are not entitled(it is funny you added "to" after the last word). The current reports on the health sector have received media attention.What happened to the people whose time did not receive a media attention?

Posterity, our leaders are not at the receiving end of the health system that they are managing. Sad, isn't it? Hmm, for the ambulance issue, just murmur in your head. Most importantly, patients must know what to expect from health personnel.

Have you lost a relative or friend in the hospital? Sorry about that, I propose a hymn titled "When Peace Like a River" to you. 

Previously, I informed you on your rights as a patient, today, I proceed with the responsibilities as a patient. As a patient, there are certain responsibilities that you need to fulfill as you demand for your rights to be respected.

The patient should understand that he/she is responsible for his/her own health and should therefore co-operate fully with healthcare providers. The patient is responsible for:

1. Providing full and accurate medical history for his/her diagnosis, treatment, counseling and rehabilitation purposes.

Requesting additional information and or clarification regarding his/her health or treatment, which may not have been well understood.

Complying with prescribed treatment, reporting adverse effects and adhering, to follow up requests.

Informing his/her healthcare providers of any anticipated problems in following prescribed treatment or advice.

Obtaining all necessary information, which have a bearing on his/her management and treatment including all financial implications.

Acquiring knowledge, on preventive, promotive and simple curative practices and where necessary to seeking early professional help.

Maintaining safe and hygienic environment in order to promote good health.

Respecting the rights of other patients/clients and Health Service personnel
Protecting the property of the Health facility.

NB: These rights and responsibilities shall be exercised by accredited and recognized representatives on behalf of minors and patients who are unable for whatever reasons to make informed decisions by themselves;
In all healthcare activities the patient's dignity and interest must be paramount.

We would continue our next conversation on breast cancer. See ya !

Friday 22 June 2018

Patients and Their Rights.

During senior high school, boys who had "BERIBERI" in their private parts could not visit the school's health centre for treatment. They feared that their health condition might be known by other students at the health centre, despite the level of professionalism by the nurse. Also, they never discussed their health condition with their love partners despite the painful experience.

Dear reader, would you have told him or her about your "BERIBERI" condition? Who would ever do that in this life? That is why I write this letter to educate you on your rights as a patient.

Health issues are matters concerning to the heart of patients, hence they restrict information access to individuals they deem unacceptable. Perhaps, you might have health issues that your parent, wife, husband, doctor or loved one does not know. No need to argue, right?

Death is inevitable but a life lost due to a failed health system is unpardonable. The 70-year man isn't the only person to be a victim of such act. This became news headlines and disappeared into thin air. Have our leaders ever been at the receiving end of this health system?

When you read a book written by Rev. Prof. Seth Ayettey, titled: "Can You Hear the Angels Sing?". He explains the situation of been at the receiving end of a failing health system.

Posterity, after years of receiving treatment at the hospital, you seem not to know your rights as a patient. Have you heard about the Patient Charter?  It outlines the rights and responsibilities of the patient at the hospital. Okay, take a seat and quench your thirst with a cup of jolly juice as I educate you. Today, let us focus on the rights of a patient, I will talk about the responsibilities of the patient in my next letter.

Below is an infograph indicating the rights of a patient.

Many health care institutions fail to indicate whether the person is a student, ancillary or a trainee. We all see them as health professionals. Don't hesitate to look at the tags of  people who are administering treatment to you in the hospital. It is your right to know, just smile and inquire of their professional status. Isn't that simple? 

Generally, people feel insecure when discussing issues about their health. During consultation, patients must insist on their privacy when a third party who is not relevant to the issue is present.  there is a need for privacy during consultation. We have rights as patients and we need to seek it without fear.

Check out number 7, every cost must be explained to the patient prior to treatment. Sometimes, people insist that the health professionals attend to the patient even though they cannot afford it. The public considers health professionals as heartless due to the issue of payment before treatment.

We are tied to responsibilities as we grow, hence our lives affect the people around us. Guard your health with your life. 


"I believe that the greatest gift you can give your family and the world is a healthy you."

Thursday 7 June 2018

Swapping Reputation with Customized Pockets.

Yes ! I did tell you in my previous letter that people's private parts will be touched. These officials folded and rolled "bundles of cedis" into their customized pockets. With a hand supporting my chin, I wondered about its equivalence to the reputation that has being swapped with this sum of money.

Posterity, ECG surprised us with lights out and the rain couldn't hold back it's tears as people watched "Number 12". It seemed to be a blockbuster movie with its producer being Anas Aremeyaw Anas.

Should we continue arguing about the methods that Anas employs in his work ? Citizens can measure the positive impact of the investigation. These officials might be role models to some youths, I can imagine their reactions now.

I will be propounding a "goat theory" which will help explain why officials become susceptible to corruption when goat is involved. Let me share some lessons from a book; "The 48 Laws of Power";

Law 5 page 37


Reputation is the corners tone of power. Through reputation alone you can intimidate and win; once it slips,however, you are vulnerable, and will be attacked on all sides. Make your reputation unassailable. Always be alert to potential attacks and thwart them before they happen. Meanwhile, learn to destroy your enemies by opening holes in their own reputations. Then stand aside and Let public opinion hang them.

Click on this "document" to download the book.

These officials could not guard their reputation with their life. Is all hope lost for Ghana's football?

Just as you watch and weep for mother Ghana, I hope you are not corrupt? Stop starring at me with those eyes and answer it.

Citizens seem to recover from shock, then poom ! The president fires "big" officials, namely;
 Chief Executive Officer   Bulk Oil Storage and Transportation Company Limited
Alfred Obeng
Managing Director
Bulk Oil Storage and Transport Company Limited.

Mr. Paul Asare Ansah
Ghana Ports and Habours Authority.

Posterity, I asked you to click on the link about Sweet Sweet Codeine which is an investigative story on Nigeria, sponsored by BBC. Just for your convenience, watch the video here. 😌😌

Hey ! don't just leave here. I hope you remember this advert. About 10 years ago, it was made to announce the national identification cards. Here, I stand with a shaven beard, yet it stares at the Ghanaian like a zombie. Hmm, let me inquire about its progress ....

Thursday 31 May 2018


Watery stools can't be stopped as the premier of "Number 12" gets closer. Bhim! the face of GFA has been named, we now anticipate the last person standing on the list.

Posterity, let's discuss about a technique that Anas Aremeyaw Anas might have used in his recent story. It is called "SHAKING THE TREE"; this means the journalist gives a gist of the story. Now the people or person or organization in question, in the course to defend themselves, will expose themselves and bring out more falsehood. Posterity, let's hail Mr. Desmond Lamptey for this knowledge.

Hoping to see the face of Anas Aremeyaw Anas can be compared to trying to make every passenger in a "TroTro" get a seat belt. Posterity, after the premier of "Number 12", the "private parts" of some people will be touched. The next step will be to "shame and jail". Shaking my head, I recall the judicial scandal and its matters that were debated.

Will this investigative story have a similar situation as the judicial scandal? πŸ˜•

Some people have disagreed with the style of Anas Aremeyaw Anas without measuring the ratio of good to bad. Indeed, his style of investigation might not be universally accepted and encouraged. However, we must measure the ratio of good to bad. If the investigative story makes more good than bad, then nothing should stop the journalist from carrying out the story. However, if the story will cause more bad than good to the society, then the journalist must not carry out the story. Lawyer Osei Kojo revealed this truth to me.

Posterity, have you heard about the abuse of cough syrup in Nigeria? This was revealed by an investigation conducted by journalist which has been titled "Sweet Sweet Codeine". Just click on the title before you make your arguments about the correctness of the methods used by Anas used in investigation. πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰

On June 6th, during the premiering of "Number 12" at the Accra International Conference Centre, I will quench my thirst with a calabash of sobolo with baobab bread from Mama Vee Bakery. πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹

Goodbye, until my next letter, hold your peace on this issue.

Wednesday 23 May 2018

Hail Me ! Revived from Death.

After a long pause in my letters to you, I hope that you will pardon me for my negligence. Posterity, this year my phone was snatched at Kasoa toll booth when I was drafting a letter to you about the Fulani herdsmen issues; operation cow leg and others.

I carelessly misplaced my second phone at meeting at Central University. Quiet fortunate, poor me.

Nonetheless, I have come back with a more exciting and reassuring heart to continue our chats. I hope you've read my previous letters over and over again, from "Accra at 60, ebi we dey" to "Wailing Needs".

Wait as I draft my letter to you, Posterity. Among the issues you've missed have been:

1. Anyidoho's comment, "Civillian Coup D'etat"

2. Assault by Hajia Fati on a Journalist.

4. The Abuse of Tramadol in Ghana.

5. Sweet Sweet Codeine - Nigeria

I promise not to neglect my role as an ancestor to you. See you soon in my next piece.