Thursday 12 July 2018

Patients and Their Responsibilities.

Rights! Yes, people fight tirelessly for their rights however the responsibilities attached to the rights are not spoken loudly. Kindly read with rapt attention because you cannot expect things you are not entitled(it is funny you added "to" after the last word). The current reports on the health sector have received media attention.What happened to the people whose time did not receive a media attention?

Posterity, our leaders are not at the receiving end of the health system that they are managing. Sad, isn't it? Hmm, for the ambulance issue, just murmur in your head. Most importantly, patients must know what to expect from health personnel.

Have you lost a relative or friend in the hospital? Sorry about that, I propose a hymn titled "When Peace Like a River" to you. 

Previously, I informed you on your rights as a patient, today, I proceed with the responsibilities as a patient. As a patient, there are certain responsibilities that you need to fulfill as you demand for your rights to be respected.

The patient should understand that he/she is responsible for his/her own health and should therefore co-operate fully with healthcare providers. The patient is responsible for:

1. Providing full and accurate medical history for his/her diagnosis, treatment, counseling and rehabilitation purposes.

Requesting additional information and or clarification regarding his/her health or treatment, which may not have been well understood.

Complying with prescribed treatment, reporting adverse effects and adhering, to follow up requests.

Informing his/her healthcare providers of any anticipated problems in following prescribed treatment or advice.

Obtaining all necessary information, which have a bearing on his/her management and treatment including all financial implications.

Acquiring knowledge, on preventive, promotive and simple curative practices and where necessary to seeking early professional help.

Maintaining safe and hygienic environment in order to promote good health.

Respecting the rights of other patients/clients and Health Service personnel
Protecting the property of the Health facility.

NB: These rights and responsibilities shall be exercised by accredited and recognized representatives on behalf of minors and patients who are unable for whatever reasons to make informed decisions by themselves;
In all healthcare activities the patient's dignity and interest must be paramount.

We would continue our next conversation on breast cancer. See ya !

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