Monday 6 May 2019

A Sexual War Against Boy #HearMeToo

A Male Raped or Defiled By Female

Slowly, her hands dribbled and cleanly removed the cloths of the six-year-old boy. Standing innocently his soothsaying prowess couldn't predict the event which will follow. Smooching and cuddling continued as he wondered what he had done to be punished unduly for a female's sexual desires.

Since childhood, have you ever seen or read news of a boy raped by a woman? I'm still flipping through Daily Graphic's newspaper to find a story on a boy raped by a female. Kindly share with me if you find one.

What would you have done if a boy reports an issue of sexual abuse?

As I inquired and combed for a man who has ever been raped, each person gives a funny answer. Some claimed that it is a privilege to be sexually abused as a boy at a younger age. This notion has been amplified by Rene Guyon's society which advocated for sexual relationships between adults and children. It had its slogan as, "sex before eight or too late". Labeling culprits as pedophiles might be judgmental however the focus of this piece is on the reality of sexually abused men and boys.

In a sexually reproductive health (SRH) program, an instructor compared sexual intercourse to a one-kilometer race at a constant speed. If that is how it is, then why should raped boys be silenced? Perhaps, due to a stereotype, where male raped victims are claimed to have played an active role, the male becomes ashamed of revealing such abuse. This violates their right to human dignity hence the need to address it.

Let me put on the cloak of a prophet and make some claims, a raped boy might hate and sexually exploit women. This is in relation to the history of Bodil Joensen, Denmark pornographer who acted in "Animal Farm" and "A Summer Day", who had been brutally raped at the age of 12 but her fanatically religious mother blamed her for the rape. Bodil fulfilled her vowed that is to have sexual intercourse with bulls in her adulthood. 

Boys suffer sexual violence at various levels however with the perception of penetration by men or boys, they are perceived to have enjoyed the act. Society is failing to capture the sexual abuse of boys and men. The psychological effects of rape on boys and men cannot be underestimated.

I'm not raising a false alarm on raped men and boys but amplifying their voices and educating you.

Since the boy has an erected manhood during sexual abuse, does that mean he enjoyed it?

Humans respond to stimuli hence there is no need to claim that boys/men are content with sexual abuse.

Nobody seems to care about the boy who is raped by a woman or girl. Men have dignity just as women hence we must ditch the misguided thoughts of raped boys/men. 

Male 'Raped or Defiled' by Male
Ironically, society will react quickly to a news story or situation which highlights sexual violence committed by a man against a boy. This will be seen as a cankerworm hence an immediate demand for the arrest and the medical care for the victim.

This should be the same reaction towards males raped by women

Now, let us be objective with the issue of rape (men and boys), and channel our effort towards providing solutions to help relieve the burden of guilt and shame among men and boys. Below are some ways that this issue can be solved.

a. Exploring new ways of reporting issues, hence U-Report can be an effective tool.

U Report is an initiative by the UN to serve as a tool for gathering information to influence policy and developmental projects. It is a free SMS/messenger tool.

b. Public sensitization on sexual violence against boys and men.

Posterity, let me continue with my final exam but ponder on these things. Grandma made a great sale of her dawadawa at the market, such an exciting week to begin.


  1. In most rape cases both boys and girls are abused by people closest to them; family, family friends, teachers. From what I've heard, most boys who have been sexually abused see it as an initiation into adulthood. It taught them how it is done.

  2. That withstanding, there are other factors associated to this. The boys emotional health, psychological health too. The boys grows to a man with the mind set of acquiring his sexual desires by force, persuading or any form of manipulation. The question here is who created the monster you see now

    1. That is what society is failing to see. Boys and men suffer sexual violence but society claims that it doesn't exist. There were mixed reaction when I shared the post.

      We need to examine these issues with an open mind.
