Wednesday 22 March 2017

Emotions and personal initiatives over citizens rights.

Each profession has it code of ethics to control unprofessional behaviour of personnel. However, reading about how some Ghanaian police and soldiers execute “justice” if that is the appropriate word, destroys social trust that citizens have for the security service. Posterity, in other countries, armed groups disrupt social order but in Ghana it is on the contrary, recent occurrences can testify to it.

Counting the number of dignitaries in the Nana led administration I had 110 ministers. Posterity, take your calculator and multiply everything that will be sponsored by the tax payers money. Was it a huge figure comparing it to past governments? Okay, arguments about inconsistency and looting of the public purse were some of the issues raised against the administration. Well, some of these dignitaries are over qualified for their position but let us wait for the outcome.

Ghana and politics are synonyms since nothing done in Ghana is not associated with “who you know” syndrome. A next door neighbour argued that her government is in power so she will be prosperous. Posterity, I became confused. Will she improve on her business or the tax payers money will be at risk? Many a citizen makes this sad statement; this indicates how corruption is a virtue rather than a vice, Posterity.

Posterity, will the new government save the public purse? Most at times we compare our country to countries which are more advanced in their democracy, for example USA. Should we demand accountability at this stage? Posterity, is the government working on the idea that change is permanent hence new strategies must be drawn?

Let me ponder over the few things we have discussed. Make sure you don’t lose every information I give each week. Gird your loins, for your generations will be accountable soon.

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