Wednesday 29 March 2017


As I stretched my neck to see the post on the wall, I noticed the names of people aspiring for various portfolios in Ghana Journalist Association. Well, confusion reared its head in the association when disqualified aspirants argued out their cases from various perspectives.

Posterity, there have being some "macho men" who provide security for their respective political parties. Do you know what they do? These security forces intend to protect their party members from people who pose danger to them. The media reports that these groups disrupt social order through forceful take overs and vandalism.

Do these groups threaten national security? Posterity, in my generation, people easily identify individuals who work in the national security. Posterity, intelligence must be gathered on these "security forces" to prevent  any form of political unrest in the country. These groups are commonly associated with the National Democratic Congress and New Patriotic Party. What happens to other political parties which do not have these "macho men" acting as security forces.

The nation's security forces have being accused of being politically divided. Well, can you tell me the motive behind this affiliations? At 60, Ghana must strengthen her security as well as curb any situation that might lead to political violence. This is a social concern which should entice citizens to ask questions about the current state of the nation's security.

I forgot to inform you about the state of the environment. Kindly educate your scientists on how to treat polluted water bodies since my generation has refused to pay heed to the consequence of galamsey.

Wednesday 22 March 2017

Emotions and personal initiatives over citizens rights.

Each profession has it code of ethics to control unprofessional behaviour of personnel. However, reading about how some Ghanaian police and soldiers execute “justice” if that is the appropriate word, destroys social trust that citizens have for the security service. Posterity, in other countries, armed groups disrupt social order but in Ghana it is on the contrary, recent occurrences can testify to it.

Counting the number of dignitaries in the Nana led administration I had 110 ministers. Posterity, take your calculator and multiply everything that will be sponsored by the tax payers money. Was it a huge figure comparing it to past governments? Okay, arguments about inconsistency and looting of the public purse were some of the issues raised against the administration. Well, some of these dignitaries are over qualified for their position but let us wait for the outcome.

Ghana and politics are synonyms since nothing done in Ghana is not associated with “who you know” syndrome. A next door neighbour argued that her government is in power so she will be prosperous. Posterity, I became confused. Will she improve on her business or the tax payers money will be at risk? Many a citizen makes this sad statement; this indicates how corruption is a virtue rather than a vice, Posterity.

Posterity, will the new government save the public purse? Most at times we compare our country to countries which are more advanced in their democracy, for example USA. Should we demand accountability at this stage? Posterity, is the government working on the idea that change is permanent hence new strategies must be drawn?

Let me ponder over the few things we have discussed. Make sure you don’t lose every information I give each week. Gird your loins, for your generations will be accountable soon.

Thursday 16 March 2017


Swinging my hands whilst pacing on a large compound house, I tried to console myself with a hymn titled “when peace like a river” due to the broadcast of suicide cases in recent times. Posterity, accusing the media or any person might be wrong since investigations are still on-going. 

When individuals do not feel part of the society or cannot alter their life conditions, they sometimes commit suicide. Is this a rare case or there have being uncountable suicide cases which have not received media coverage? Posterity, may their souls rest in perfect peace. 

The translation of national anthem into the major Ghanaian local languages indicates that local languages will be promoted in various schools. Does the rhythm change when these versions of the national anthem are sung? Students who play drums in schools should be creative to create a rhythm for the songs. I do remember when teachers would punish students for speaking local languages in school. Posterity, at an early stage of development local languages is despised.

Posterity, do you know that music is not taught as a subject in government schools at the basic level of education. I fail to understand why music which educates the mind and soul will be removed without hesitation. Music is part of the Ghanaian culture hence its absence in the educational curriculum creates a vacuum in the heart and mind of the younger generation.

The new Ghana Journalist Association Code of Ethics will help protect the image of journalists in Ghana. Ghanaians can now distinguish between people who portray themselves as journalist and individuals who practice journalism as a profession. 
Through new media, many a person thinks journalism encompasses writing and reporting events, therefore the new code of ethics will resolve the problems that the new media creates.

I pray my generation begins to drive in the right direction, Posterity.

Wednesday 8 March 2017

Mr. President is borrowing in our DNA ?

Examining the debt of Ghana, the word “borrowing” tickles me to laugh at Ghana’s debts. Searching through the calendar I doubt when debts and borrowing will not be echoed in the nation’s economy, hence I concluded that borrowing is naturally tied to our goals in Ghana. Posterity, your leader will have to work hard to pay the debts that my generation is laying up here. You will be surprised by the arguments raised here with regards to the importance of borrowing. 

The budget read by the Finance Minister is like a cake which satisfies a section of the population. Ghanaians chose what suits them, however arguments about the incompleteness of the budget was left hanging for another time. Posterity, do you think it is a norm for governments to fulfill all their promises in their year period? The government has four years to prove its worth, let’s wait and see.

A decade ago, Ghana celebrated her 50th anniversary with issues of bribery and mismanagement describing the attitude of her children. Well, all hope is not lost when the president acknowledge heroes and heroines whose names are not often mentioned in the nation’s struggle for development and liberalization. However, issues about the 60th anniversary cloth left me wondering when the cloth will serve its purpose since the main event had passed. Posterity, do not  argue that the celebrations does not end on the 6th of March. Tell me, how many people will patronize the cloth after the main event on 6th March.

As I drank “FAN CHOCO”, which is a product of FAN MILK company, I wondered how our cocoa farmers were faring. Posterity, I will end it here so as to make merry on this day. Hurray, happy 60th anniversary.

Long live Ghana
Long Live her citizens

Thursday 2 March 2017

God Bless our Homeland Ghana

Listening attentively to the president’s state of nation address as well as remix versions by other political leaders provoked a man sitting in a commercial vehicle next to me, ask, “Are they deceiving themselves or the Ghanaian”. He argued that when leaders do not understand the state of the nation how do they fix it. Posterity, do we need to get an independent body to give the state of nation so as to prevent accusations of half truth ? To understand the whole truth one has to become a discerning listener to understand the current state of the nation.

Most Ghanaians might pay attention to the budget without understanding what it meant. Posterity, how many people understand the budget when it is being read? Illiteracy in Ghana is claimed to be reduced when most people are able to speak pidgin fluently. The reading of the budget may be viewed as a ritual instead of a detailed document which guides the government. Posterity do you mind if I tell you about the state of the nation? Well, every previous government has being tagged as a borrowing guru. Entrepreneurs are being applauded as the group of people who have the ability to change the state of the economy? Well, they move resources as well as improve on the available resources because that is the argument.

Students are busily sharpening their marching skills for the 60 year celebrations on 6th of March, 2017. I hope at this time there will be an increase in the purchase of made in Ghana products. What is the Ghanaian expecting in the budget which will be read tomorrow by the Finance Minister? Posterity, this budget may be tagged the budget of rescue or what do you think.

Posterity, wait patiently for constructive criticisms against the budget since democracy is being upheld in the nation. Taxes serve as a source of revenue to the government, will some taxes be cut down as promised by the current government in their campaign. Posterity, will it just be a fulfillment of a promise or an action which leads to the development of the nation.