Thursday, 12 November 2020

Combating Climate Change with NDC's Manifesto

Manifestos are ideas and policies that help electorates have an overview of how political parties intend to govern the country.

In 2016, the NPP manifesto was titled Change, an Agenda for Jobs whereas NDC’s manifesto was pivoted on Changing Lives, Transforming Ghana.

The year 2020 birthed the NDC Manifesto themed Jobs, prosperity and more The People’s Manifesto , and the NPP held onto Leadership of Service: Protecting our Progress, Transforming Ghana for All.

Both parties seek power to create an environment to foster growth; they carry similar ambitions which are titled differently and a few ideas dividing them.

The Sustainable Development Goal 13, Combat Climate Change, and Agenda 2060 focus on either developing an adaptation or mitigation plan to help Ghana move beyond the perils of climate change.

Climate Change is simply the human activities which lead to a change in the weather conditions.

NDC compatriots and sympathizers clothed in the red, white and green color with the umbrella locked over their heads on 2020 Manifesto launch, chanted, “Ejor bordorrr!” with the media houses capturing each moment for posterity.

National Democratic Congress is in opposition and currently locked in the minority side of the parliament. Manifestos play a critical role in the governing of the country. The 40-year development plan by the National Development Commission is only a waste as the government forsakes its content in pursuit of its manifesto.

The manifesto mentioned climate change five times in its booklet.

Under the Environment, Science and Innovation, listing its to-do-list, it stated that it will “reintroduce ZOIL to involve the youth in planting coconut for coastal protection against climate change and job creation.”

In the Forestry section, it says it will “create a Youth in Climate Change and Afforestation Programme (YiCCAP) in partnership with the private sector for afforestation and job creation.”

Under the 10BN big push for infrastructural development for economic transformation, it stated that it to improve water and sanitation it will “develop Ghana’s water & sanitation sector to improve all citizens’ health, optimize agricultural and industrial production to create employment, and build national climate change resilience.”

In their bid to strengthen the local system governance, it will “establish a Waste Management Fund by amending the Customs and Excise (Duties and Other Taxes) (Amendment) Act, 2013 (Act 863), to garner the resources needed to address waste management and create green jobs as part of our response to the global climate change Agenda.”

On international relations and foreign policy, the NDC says it will increase collaboration within the United Nations, the Commonwealth, and other multilateral organizations to fight existing and emerging threats to global peace, security, and sustainable development including climate change and global warming, international terrorism, cybercrime, piracy, money laundering, narcotics trade, human trafficking and pandemics

This is a highlight of what the NDC intends to do when it wins the 2020 elections.


Wednesday, 26 August 2020

Diagnosing witchcraft; cultural perspective from my backyard

A manly figure runs steadily towards Akurigo’s house with a machete in his right hand, while he clutches at a talisman in his other hand. With a belief in the soothsayer’s divination and same as his only source, he firmly lifts the machete up high ready to cut off Akolpoka’s limbs but pauses in the air. He poses a question but expects her to respond in the affirmative!

“Did you kill the industrious young man who visited his family after getting his first paid job?” Akolpoka knew that denying such an allegation would cost her her limb. So she shouts and pleads with these words, “please don’t kill me, I will confess. [Shaking severely], I’m a witch”. Soon an angry crowd gathers outside waiting to initiate a mob action.

The above is not a strange occurrence with my kinsmen and many others around my home in Bongo.

Bongo, a suburb of Bolgatanga in the Upper East region is clothed with norms, beliefs and ethics just like every other society. This discussion has become necessary in the wake of events and conversations following the killing of 90-year old Akua Denteh in Kafaba recently after she was accused of being a witch.

It is important to openly talk about such cultural practices to be able to discourage those which offend the human rights of people.

The cultural understanding of sorcery and black magic makes natives seek answers and solutions to mysterious events such as a delayed rainy season, outbreak of diseases and premature deaths.

We [people of Bongo] hold the belief that there exist both bad and good witches and wizards. While the bad ones destroy families, the good ones protect and increase the fortunes of their families.

Families which experience a series of misfortunes are considered to be witch-hunted through the help of a family member. A Frafra axiom puts it succinctly; “It is with the help of a family member [insider] that another is offered to the outsider to be harmed”. Therefore, there is a belief that there is always a malefactor within a family who causes the downfall of others.

This belief system operates in the male-dominated culture.

Patriarchy is at the core of the Bongo culture, with men serving as traditional spiritual consultants. It is quite rare to find female traditional spiritual consultants. With a patrilineal system of inheritance, most women have no political, social and economic power in their households.

There are, however, a few exceptions where women wield political and economic power in their homes.

This make-up, positions men as the individuals who seek to improve the fortunes of the family with little regard for women as contributors to wealth creation.

Culture evolves, hence, there has been some evidence of women being valued and respected.

Sorcery and the characteristics aforementioned are not exclusive to the Bongo culture, but what may be peculiar is the culture’s approach to diagnosing sorcery or witchcraft.

Traditional Spiritual Consultants
Fetish priests and soothsayers [Bakoligo] play a critical role in our community as they serve as the connection between the people and the Supreme Being. A popular spiritual healing centre in Bolgatanga called Tigari serves as a centre for healing and spiritual consultations.

In the medical arena, families consult doctors and physicians to seek answers on the cause of death of a relative, hence an autopsy report. In a similar way, some families from Bongo, in their quest to find answers to the death of a relative, consult soothsayers.

These soothsayers make claims which are mostly taken as the biblical truth. Their reports include stating the people who killed the dead as well as proposing rituals to avert any premature death among family members.

To verify the authenticity of the soothsayer, the family hides an item in the house and requests the soothsayer to find it. The outcome influences the decision of whether or not to patronize him or her.

Individuals who are accused of being sorcerers are made to drink special water presented by the soothsayer or fetish priest. A guilty person will either start confessing when he or she drinks this water or develop an unexplained insatiable thirst and drinks continuously. The unexplained thirst for the water will stop when he or she confesses to the crime of witchcraft.

With their inability to scientifically query events, natives do not question the authenticity of verdicts given and the outcomes are seen as sacrosanct.

Families with the history of witchcraft and bad happenings can be considered a witch infested house.

We hold the belief that women who are tagged with witchcraft easily transfer the same to their offspring. This places these women and children in a bad light where other members of the society do not want to socialize with them. Meanwhile, men cannot pass witchcraft to their kids. This belief is held in high esteem such that the children of a woman endure emotional stress and social rejection as other members of the society do not want to socialize with them as Frafras believe that “a witch does not have worth [bukata].”

With no laws or bylaws to deal with spiritual matters, natives might not initiate mob justice but the isolation and banishment from the society affect the mental health of these individuals.

Also, some behavioural traits can easily make one become suspected of witchcraft. For example, hatred against persons who are prospering, who have not offended them.

These might seem weird but these are some of the realities of the people.

Christian Spiritual Consultants
It has been argued in some circles that Christianity has reinforced society’s beliefs in sorcery as some pastors diagnose sorcery through prayers and accuse individuals as sources of misfortunes.

This complements the cultural activities undertaken to diagnose sorcery.

Strategies for resolving the cultural elements of killing a witch
Authorities must consider holding stakeholder meetings with pastors, soothsayers, chiefs and fetish priests on the need to educate their clients on human rights abuses and the law after consultations. This can help reorient people in various communities where mob justice on persons accused of being witches and wizards. This helps to tackle the source which is often regarded as authentic.

Also, the provision of hotlines for people to easily report a mob action since individuals who may want to avert the action are most likely to be physically abused could go a long way to forestall such dastardly killings.

In conclusion, what is clear is that the issue of witchcraft is multifaceted and deeply interwoven into people’s beliefs and cultures. No one-size-fits-all approach may be successful in rooting out this human right abuse. A combination of measures, heavy on education and law enforcement will be important in any approach to resolve this social canker.

The writer, Daniel Abugre Anyorigya is a broadcast journalist with Citi TV and Citi FM. He writes for

Friday, 24 April 2020

One Banku, One Stomach – The Plight of Kayayee

“Hey ! You’re fetching so much soup for just one banku”, Alaah’s mum yelled at him. Bingo ! Alaah had a change of plan; before he steps into hall, he decides to add more soup and drinks till it came to a reasonable level with the one banku in the bowl. This is sign of a genius, isn’t it? Whew!

You know your next meal, don’t you? Mine is beans called 'Tε' in Gurune. Shea butter and onions will sweeten my beans. Yummy !! Lemme flow you some filla be. 

Some young women walked to the compound of Citi FM/Citi TV to enquire about a group which was providing meals to the poor and vulnerable. Well, the media network decided to provide food and water to quench their hungry souls but they had to plan for their own survival for the rest of the days in the lockdown.

Meanwhile, eating Tuo Zaafi every day in their villages and towns will be better than being on these streets of Accra with the Gender Ministry and other corporations sharing hot meals to them.

Many of them are my countrymen who were stranded because the markets which served homes and source of income were being disinfected and only individuals providing essential services were allowed to operate.

While some decided to move back to the towns and villages, others were stranded in Accra with their babies.

Accra – The Golden City and our dreams

Travelling to Accra and other parts of southern Ghana means a break in the cycle of poverty. It is either we are continuing our education or desperately searching for menial jobs to insulate from poverty. The Kayaye look very strong and tough because that's the only option they have or else they will perish in the cosmopolitan.

My family is displaced for economic reasons as we moved from the borders of Burkina Faso to settle in the heart of the Greater Accra region. Luckily, we are not on the streets but housed somewhere in an international community, thus Zongo estates. Living with so many nationalities and tribes is such a great experience and witnessing how religion and others uniting them is another mystery.
Just like the stranded women on the streets, we started in a similar manner. 

Why will one leave his/her fertile arable land and strong mud houses to be in Accra under harsh weather conditions?

In a country with unparalleled developments, families are displaced in their quest to seek greener pastures.

The dry season is such an exasperation period so the women and youth move into the urban areas to render their services in exchange for wages and salaries which are mostly below the minimum wage.

The announcement of the One Village, One Dam initiative was a sign of relief with the hope of an endless supply of water throughout the dry season. Water scarcity cripples agricultural activities and drives people into the cities. It is among the many reasons we migrate.

Unfortunately, the authorities created ‘dugouts’ in some of our communities as revealed by Joshua Asaah in the Upper East. That is the problem, development is a process but some unpatriotic people seem to be myopic. So they nib our prosperity in the bud with their selfishness.

Dams are needed in the Upper East, Upper West and Northern region as we rely on the existing ones for domestic and agricultural purposes. So the government must fast-track these developmental projects to help us.

The Kayayo travels to Accra not because the city offers heaven as she thought but the meagre income she earns each day. Kayakaya isn’t a lucrative job where they gladly recruit young girls. The truth is that they lack life skills so they are left with no alternative. It is surprising that some people perceive that Kayayei goes for juju to carry heavier loads and meet more customers. Mtchwee, you be okay?

There' no pleasure when we sleep on the streets of Accra meanwhile our arable lands are untilled with our houses being empty. 

Why we are leaving agriculture in pursuit of education and menial jobs?

Education is the only way we can break the cycle of poverty, so we pursue it with our hearts and soul. We pride in a monthly salary to cater for our needs as we nurture the next badge to live beyond just the salary.

The graph above shows the youth literacy rate which is the percentage of people ages 15 - 24 who can, with understanding, read and write a short, simple statement on their everyday life. 

Agriculture only becomes attractive with improved seeds to match the changing climate and soil. Planting for Foods and Jobs which is among government's flagship program was an answer however the loopholes created and the smuggling of subsidized fertilizers and other materials is a major concern. So we will leave the agriculture sector because of its risk. Even the banks are reluctant to give us loans due to its risks.

The One District, One Factory sounds pleasant in the ear however our farm produce is yet to feel the heat of the machines. Building the factories to process our agricultural produce will be our greatest gain. However, these are either not available or insufficient. The menial jobs help to provide immediate needs and possibly wants so we dump commercial farming because of its a high-risk venture.

With subsistence farming, we focus on education and menial jobs to support the journey in breaking the cycle of poverty. 

I'm off to help my grandma prepare some dawadawa for the next market day. I will come with more filla. Until then ....

Saturday, 4 April 2020

Three tomatoes for 5 cedis, lockdown memories and rainy season

Arriving at the Osu market to get some vegetables, a trader leaned forward and whispered, “Three tomatoes for Five cedis”, when my friend asked the cost of the tomatoes on her tray. Speechless I was as she tumbles the tomatoes into his paper bag and they weren't even Navrongo tomatoes, mtchweee.

My inner spirit wondered if this was the definition of the lockdown of the urban areas to curb the spread of coronavirus. Nonetheless, we will overcome this disease and that trader will hear from me soon.

The rains have kissed our soil and this reminds us of our annual grief as our homes, markets, and offices become swimming pools for a pool party and our farmlands become temporal ponds with our crops overdosed with water.

Well, as we reduce movements and stay home, we can’t afford the luxury of our rooms storing flooding waters and our properties floating like rescue boats on a mission. We need to start planning to control the situation amidst coronavirus pandemic.

The irregular rainfall pattern which is an effect of climate change can be addressed when we build structures to harvest our water and pay attention to the Ghana Meteorological Agency. Don’t argue with me on how weather forecasts from the Ghana Meteorological Agency (GMet) never happened.

Death is inevitable, however, death caused by changes in the atmospheric conditions indicates the need to pay attention to weather forecasts from GMet.

The Ghana Meteorological Agency is an agent of both goodwill and doom as it predicts the good and adverse weather conditions which affect our lives and properties. Let’s transcend into fiction;

The clouds had gathered to release raindrops and Alaah, a middle aged-Ghanaian, hurriedly fills his backpack with his belongings to escape the flooding roads. The skies were lit with thunder lightning, and each creature assembled under its shelter for safety.

In a village setting, one will experience quality air flashing through the brick or blockhouses, with birds flying over the sky to stay safe and earth-moving animals running into their pens for safety.

However, living in an urban area is quite different as polythene bags compete in the skies, with fumes from cars and factories confusing the alveoli whether or not to exchange the polluted air with carbon dioxide into the bloodstream. This leaves you gasping for quality air. Well, it depends on the part of the urban area you live in.

Did you bother to check on the weather forecast for the next 48-hour?

Urban dwellers evoke curses and recite words to choke the skies of a possible downpour because the roads will be flooded, lives and properties will be lost.

Walking briskly to the bus terminal, Alaah jumps over underground drainage systems which have been exposed by flooding waters. The bus terminal was choked by other citizens and homeless people who were dressed in plastic to remain dry.

Smartphone users began searching for updates on the impact of the torrential rain on other parts of Accra. Their faces glowing with anxiety as the rain increased

Well, I can confidently say that majority of them had not bothered to check the weather forecast for the next 48-hours before leaving home.

After the June 3rd disaster, our religious inclinations heightened as we consistently pray to the Supreme Being for protection instead of wisdom and sense of responsibility to change our bad habits of disposing of waste and building flood-resilient structures.

He jumps into the approaching vehicle when the bus conductor shouted, “Apaatanga ! Apaatanga !!”. Other passengers had to squeeze into the bus as the rains recede.

Scope of Ghana Meteorologist Agency’s (GMet) Work

The Ghana Meteorological Agency provides efficient and reliable meteorological information by collecting, processing, archiving, analysing and dissemination of findings/meteorological information to end-users.

Well, you might not have patronized their invaluable products/services despite being affected by weather conditions.

GMet provides a daily report in text and audio-visuals format on their Facebook page and website to bridge the information gap on weather conditions.

The Facebook page has hosted various weather forecast videos after its first video upload on Thursday 15th June 2017. This information is not only beneficial to individuals and organizations in the agricultural sector but the general business community.

Weather Forecasts Information: Escaping premature deaths

These are a few pointers on the relevance of accessing weather forecasts.

1.     Citizens are able to make informed decisions about the choice of clothing and extreme weather conditions which affects productivity. Protective clothing and sunscreens are best sought when individuals envision changes in weather conditions. To exemplify, persons with albinism will need to get sunscreens and sunglasses when it is a sunny day with odd temperatures. Asthmatic patients will need their emergency tools for a hazy day. Persons with rheumatism will need medication or protective cloths. Some people have died due to unfavourable weather conditions hence there is a need to get daily updates on the weather conditions.

2.     Motorists and road users are able to plan their escape route to avoid heavy vehicular traffic, flood-prone areas and weak bridges and drainage systems. You don’t enjoy long waiting hours on the road before or after a busy day. This affects your health in the long run with possible cases of chronic stress. There have been media reports on citizens getting drowned in flooding waters with Kwame Nkrumah Interchange as an example.

3.     District assemblies are able to develop climate-resilient structures to absorb the impact of climate change and disease outbreaks.

 Other sources of weather forecasts

1.     Google feed

2.     Accuweather

3.     Yahoo weather